🇬🇧 Online Vat Calculator

Just type the gross value and press enter button to see VAT percentage.

The amounts obtained will be different and will vary depending on the amount or figure placed inside the box. In this way, different rates will be obtained and calculated according to the type of acquisition obtained.

The VAT Calculator

We have designed a VAT Calculator with an intuitive design and focused on the precise calculation of the % percentage to cancel according to the type of sector or business in which you are located. Our purpose is aimed at simplifying the tax amount to be paid in quick and instant steps.

Through the Online Vat Calculator, you will be able to execute the easy and punctual process, in relation to the tax that corresponds to you to pay, according to the acquisition or purchase that you have made, following the steps:

  • Place the value of the total that you have invested in a purchase associated with a good or service.
  • Click on the box to Calculate VAT.
  • You will get the total amount to be canceled or tax payment to be paid to HMRC.

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What is VAT?

Known as the value added tax, that is, an additional to be paid by companies that offer products and services. Keep in mind that businesses or SMEs must register with the Tax Agency associated with the British Government.

This rate to be paid is carried out by the legal figures committed to making a payment, on the final purchase that makes a purchase within a store or even digital businesses that acquire a tax liability.

On the other hand, some companies are exempt from payment and an adjustment must be made according to the regulations established by the Agency in the United Kingdom. In this way, the rates will be variable and will be subject to tax laws.

Payments are generally made through the registered legal user. In this way, the businesses will maintain a respective individualized report, in relation to the amounts to be paid in £ and the total declaration to be paid either by month or quarterly.

You can use this VAT Calculator for free.

What are the VAT rates?

VAT rates are variable depending on the acquisition or purchase made by the user. Among the rates that apply are and adjust to parameters of:


Applicable for goods or services such as: cars, real estate purchases, hardware, appliances. These businesses acquire a payment responsibility of 20% applicable to the total amount of the purchase made by the user.


A rate that is reduced on services such as water, electricity, domestic gas. The adjustments are reduced and maintained at 5% of what companies dedicated to the sector must cancel, although there are other exceptions that it is recommended to check on the official website.


Foodstuffs, children's clothing and information services such as print media are exempt. It is opportune to check the clauses established by the UK government, to justify the limitations of tax payment.

Where to register to cancel VAT in the United Kingdom?

Before making the successful registration, you should only consider the guidelines to check if you should do it:

  • Obtain a turnover in the last 12 months that exceeds 85,000 pounds sterling (£).
  • Make a continuous supply of goods and services to users.
  • Have headquarters in the United Kingdom and in a different country.
If you meet the aforementioned parameters, you should go to the official website of the HMRC tax agency and start registering, following the step-by-step procedure.

How to register on the page related to VAT collection?

It is important to register within the web, following the indications that are mentioned below:

  • Make an online registration, with data related to the company: Name, type of activity, location, among others.
  • Select and fill out the VAT1 form, with information associated with the item or sector in which you work.
  • Send form to HMRC and wait 30 days for approval of the request.
  • Approval and sending of the VAT number and data verification.

Who collects taxes in the UK?

You should check on the official website to verify that the payments are up to date and it is recommended to check with UK Digital Calculator, what is the figure to cancel?

In this way, you will have an estimated amount and you will be able to do it by following the steps on the platform where you must make the report related to the type of taxes established, as appropriate and according to what you are offering.

Frequent questions

Who must pay the tax or value added in the UK?

The subscribed companies must take care of and maintain a commitment with the Government, to make payments regularly.

It is advisable to have a book or keep a record of the amount to be paid, making calculations online and then making the respective payment to the Tax Agency.

It is also suggested to carry an inventory to make revisions and thereby keep up with the tributes to the nation.

How to charge VAT?

The subscription to the tax platform is the 1st step to notify that the company is subscribed to the VAT system in the UK and will keep the government informed about the taxes to be paid. Some companies will be able to evade taxes, only when the turnover does not exceed 85,000 pounds sterling.

How much is taxed in the UK?

There are 3 types of taxes or tax payment to pay on consumer goods and services. In general, a standard rate of 20% is established, and there is also a variation depending on the type of sale or the classification to which it is adjusted. For example, some exclusions or tax-free products are: Newspapers, Children's clothing and motorcycle helmets, Products imported from England, Northern Ireland are exempt from duty.

When to register to cancel VAT?

It is worth mentioning that the declarations are essential when exceeding a turnover of 85,000 pounds sterling (£) per year.
For figures lower than the one mentioned, it is recommended to check the main page of the United Kingdom Tax Agency and verify the conditions for reporting the omission of taxes.

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